Wood Pallet Scarecrow Card: G's Creations - Gareth Frewer


I had so much fun creating this card, the inspiration came from a craft a member of Maymay's FB group (Maymay made it and so did I) where she had made a scarecrow using pallet planks - then I remembered I had the Docrafts "wooden boards" stamp and the rest as you can see turned out pretty cute, enjoy the video and please remember to leave a comment bellow. 

The card it self measure 4x6" and the card stock used was 300gsm so the Spectrum Noir markers did not bleed through, please take that into account if you decide to create this card and on thinner card stock. 

Items used list: 

Bushel and a Peck 

Wooden Boards

Memento ink

Acrylic Block 1x1"

Acrylic Block 1.5x2"

Art Glitter Glue 



Thank you for reading.



Acrylic blockArt glitter glueAutumnBushel and a peckCardsClear stampsDiy craftFallGareth frewerMemento inkPumpkinWood pallet scarecrow cardWooden boards

1 comment



That’s lovely! I’ve only seen those as wood. How cute to see it as a card.

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