Paper Purse Revisited or 2.0 version

I love the idea of me going back and revisiting old projects.  The paper purse was one of the absolute fav projects I have ever done.  You can see the original purse video here.

For this purse I really wanted to play with the handles and the clasp.  I love how this one turned out and I hope you will.  I can't wait to see how you re make them too!

The score marks are as follows: (this purse uses a 12 x 12 piece of cardstock to start)

The new score marks are the 4 inch and 8 inch marks to the first cross section.

This image shows what pieces should be cut away, the dark corners are not needed for assembly.

The video will explain the rest, have fun and share your creations with us on our website at

2.0Circle handle pursePaper purseRevisistedTreat bag

1 comment

Karen Scrivano

Karen Scrivano

Love the little purse. I had just made one from your old video and now found this one. Love all your ideas. One thing I did find out and you may have mentioned it, but I did not hear it is that you really need to use heavy card stock. I used a lighter one and all the score marrks started to become cut lines!!! Since it was a prototype, I just carried on and scotch taped the score lines from the inside. I agree with you that the first one was kind of bulky with the flaps. And I agree that they look better with 2 sided card stock. But what fun they are! I am hoping to soon start selling my jewelry and they would be adorable ways to add a little extra but tucking my jewelry inside! Thanks again!

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